
views updated May 23 2018

ret·ro·ac·tive / ˌretrōˈaktiv/ • adj. (esp. of legislation) taking effect from a date in the past: a big retroactive tax increase.DERIVATIVES: ret·ro·ac·tion / -ˈakshən/ n.ret·ro·ac·tive·ly adv.ret·ro·ac·tiv·i·ty / -ˌakˈtivətē/ n.


views updated Jun 27 2018


Having reference to things that happened in the past, prior to the occurrence of the act in question.

A retroactive or retrospective law is one that takes away or impairs vested rights acquired under existing laws, creates new obligations, imposes new duties, or attaches a new and different legal effect to transactions or considerations already past. Common-law principles do not favor the retroactive effect of laws in the majority of cases, and canons of legislative construction presume that legislation is not intended as retroactive unless its language expressly makes it retroactive.

Retroactive criminal laws that increase punishment for acts committed prior to their enactments are deemed ex post facto laws and are unenforceable because they violate Article I, Section 9, Clause 3, and Section 10, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution and comparable provisions of state constitutions.


views updated May 23 2018

Retroactive ★★ 1997 (R)

Scientist Brian (Whaley) has been experimenting with reversing time and finally manages to make his project work. Meanwhile, police psychologist Karen (Travis) has has car trouble and been given a ride by Frank (Belushi) and his wife Rayanne (Whirry). Karen soon realizes Frank is a psycho and escapes, stumbling into Brian's lab. But Brian's just reversed time and Karen winds up back in Frank's car, trying to change the sequence of events. 91m/C VHS, DVD . James Belushi, Kylie Travis, Shannon Whirry, Frank Whaley, Jesse Borrego, M. Emmet Walsh, Guy Boyd; D: Louis Morneau; W: Robert Strauss, Phillip Badger; C: George Mooradian; M: Tim Truman.

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