
views updated Jun 27 2018

dis·tinc·tion / disˈtingkshən/ • n. 1. a difference or contrast between similar things or people: there is a sharp distinction between domestic politics and international politics | I was completely unaware of class distinctions. ∎  the separation of things or people into different groups according to their attributes or characteristics: these procedures were to be applied to all births, without distinction.2. excellence that sets someone or something apart from others: a novelist of distinction. ∎  a decoration or honor awarded to someone in recognition of outstanding achievement: he gained the highest distinction awarded for excellence in photography. ∎  recognition of outstanding achievement, such as on an examination: I made a distinction in Greek. Compare with merit.PHRASES: distinction without a difference an artificially created distinction where no real difference exists.have the distinction of be different from others of a similar type by virtue of a notable characteristic or achievement: pinto beans have the distinction of being one of the quickest beans to cook.

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