Tammes, Tine (1871–1947)

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Tammes, Tine (1871–1947)

Dutch geneticist. Name variations: Jantine Tammes. Born 1871 in Netherlands; died 1947.

Scientist, who made an early contribution to Mendelian genetics, entered University of Groningen (1890), earning teacher's certificates (1892 and 1897); assisted professor J. W. Moll in the Botany department there (1897–99), was a botany practical classes supervisor (1912–17) and served as a variability and hereditary professor (1919–37), only the 2nd Dutch woman to serve as a university professor; visited noted geneticist Hugo de Vries in Amsterdam; studied the characteristics of cultivated flax (Linum usitatissimum); studied inheritance of characteristics (e.g., flower color) using flax.