barrier reef

views updated May 21 2018

barrier reef A reef that trends parallel to a shore but is separated from it by a lagoon. The reef-building organisms build up the structure to approximately the low-tide level. One of the finest examples is the Great Barrier Reef which lies off the north-western coast of Australia: it extends for about 1900 km and is 30–160 km in width.

barrier reef

views updated May 08 2018

barrier reef Reef trending parallel to, but separated by a lagoon from, a shore. The reef-building organisms build up the structure to approximately the low tide level. One of the finest examples is the Great Barrier Reef which lies off the north-eastern coast of Australia: it extends for about 1900 km and is 30–160 km in width.

barrier reef

views updated Jun 27 2018

barrier reef Long, narrow coral reef lying some distance from, and roughly parallel to, the shore, and separated by a lagoon. Australia's Great Barrier Reef is the most famous.

barrier reef

views updated May 21 2018

bar·ri·er reef • n. a coral reef running parallel to the shore but separated from it by a channel of deep water.