Hong, Howard V.

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HONG, Howard V.

HONG, Howard V. American, b. 1912. Genres: Philosophy, Theology/Religion, Translations, Education. Career: Professor of Philosophy, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, 1938-. Associate Curator, Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College, and General Ed., Kierkegaard's Writings (Princeton University Pr., NJ); Field Secretary, US and Germany, War Prisoners Aid, World YMCA, 1943-46; Sr. Representative, Service to Refugees, Lutheran World Federation, Germany, 1947-49. Publications: (trans. with E.H. Hong) For Self-Examination, by Kierkegaard, 1940; (with E.H. Hong) Muskego Boy, 1944; (with E.H. Hong) The Boy Who Fought with Kings, 1946; This World and the Church, 1955; (ed.) Integration and the Christian Liberal Arts College, 1956; (co-ed.) Christian Faith and the Liberal Arts, 1960; (re-trans.) Philosophical Fragments, by Kierkegaard, 1962. EDITOR & TRANSLATOR WITH E.H. HONG (by S. Kierkegaard unless noted): Works of Love, 1962; Soren Kierkegaard's Journals and Papers, vol. I, 1967, vol. II, 1970, vols. III-IV, 1975, vols. V-VII, 1978; Armed Neutrality and An Open Letter, 1968; Kierkegaard's Thought, by G. Malantschuk, 1971; Two Ages, 1978; The Sickness unto Death, 1980; The Corsair Affair, 1982; Fear and Trembling and Repetition, 1983; Philosophical Fragments and Johannes Climacus, or De omnibus dubitandum est, 1985; Either/Or, 1987; Stages on Life's Way, 1988; The Concept of Irony, 1989; Eighteen Discourses, 1990; For Self-Examination and Judge for Yourself, 1990; Concluding Unscientific Postscript, 1992; Practice in Christianity, 1991; Three Discourses on Imagined Occasions, 1993; Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits, 1993; Works of Love, 1995; Christian Discourses, 1997; Without Authority, 1997; The Moment, 1998; The Book on Adler, 1998; The Point of View, 1998; The Essential Kierkegaard, 2000. Address: 5174 E. 90 Old Dutch Rd, Northfield, MN 55057, U.S.A.

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