Can I Get a Free Lie Detector Test?

Some people can tell when others are lying and some cannot. For those who cannot, they can use a lie detector (polygraph) machine. Can...

Will a DUI Always Show on Your Background Check?

You might rue the day that you got a DUI. Is there any way to get rid of this conviction? Will a DUI always...

Is Inheritance Taxable?

I have reached the point of my life when I am considering estate planning services. I am thinking about writing a will. How will...

What Percentage of DUI Cases End Up Being Dismissed?

Similar to the military industrial complex, the various processes related to drinking and driving offenses have grown into a system that operates like an...

How to Bail Someone Out of Jail

Uncle Bob might have had a little too much to drink during Happy Hour and gotten behind the wheel. Suddenly, you get a phone...

How Do I File Taxes When I Am Paid Cash?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has created a very precise, automated tax system where the taxes that most people have had withheld should be...

Are You Taxed on Inherited Life Insurance Money?

An inheritance can provide you with an immediate, unexpected cash windfall. You do need to make sure that there are no tax liabilities, though....

How to Get Custody of Grandchildren

When you are a grandparent who wants to gain legal custody of grandchildren, there are several reasons why the courts will permit this action....

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover a Water Leak Under My Slab in the Garage?

Most homeowners don’t know what is in their insurance policies. You should grab your policy and sift through it with a fine-toothed comb. Does...

Best Way to Legally Change a Child’s Last Name

There are a variety of reasons for changing a child's last name, but it is better to do it legally to avoid any complications...