Pisier, Marie-France (1944–)

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Pisier, Marie-France (1944–)

French actress, screenwriter and director. Born May 10, 1944, in Dalat, Vietnam (then French Indochina); dau. of a colonial governor.

At 12, moved to Paris with family; made film debut in Les saintes nitouches (1962); starred as Colette in a segment of L'Amour à vingt ans (Love at Twenty, 1962); made screenwriting debut with Celine et Julie vont en bateau (Celine and Julie Go Boating, 1973); as an actress, came to prominence in Cousin, Cousine (1975); made 1st US feature, The Other Side of Midnight (1977); wrote and directed La bal du gouveneur (The Governor's Party, 1990); featured in Le temps retrouve (Time Regained, 1999). Won a Cesar award (1976 and 1977).

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