Chauviré, Yvette (1917–)

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Chauviré, Yvette (1917–)

French ballet dancer and teacher. Name variations: Yvette Chauvire. Born April 22, 1917, in Paris, France; trained at the Paris Opéra.

One of the great dancers of the 1950s, joined the Paris Opéra Ballet (1930) and became soloist (1941), dancing many major roles in such Serge Lifar ballets as Alexandre le Grand (1937) and Suite en blanc (1943); moved to Nouveau Ballet de Monte Carlo (1946), creating roles in Dramma per musica (1946) and Chota Rustaveli (1947); back at the Opéra Ballet (1948–49, 1953–63), created Mirages and starred in Giselle and Sleeping Beauty; traveled widely and guest starred with numerous companies; appointed artistic advisor to Opéra Ballet (1963) and became director of Académie Internationale de Danse, Paris (1970); retired from the stage (1972); featured in the film La Mort du Cygne (1937), which was released in US as Ballerina. Awarded Légion d'honneur (1946).

See also autobiography (in French) Je suis Ballerina (1960).

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