
views updated May 21 2018

solonetz Mineral soil at a transitional stage of leaching, or solodization of saline soils, in semi-arid, tropical environments, which has a sandy, acid A horizon and a B horizon partially enriched with sodium clay. The term was used in systems of soil classification that are being superseded by the USDA Soil Taxonomy, in which solonetz soils fall within the order Aridisols.


views updated Jun 27 2018

solonetz Mineral soil at a transitional stage of leaching, or solodization of saline soils, in semi-arid, tropical environments, which has a sandy, acid A horizon and a B horizon partially enriched with sodium clay. Solonetz soils now fall within the Aridisols.


views updated May 08 2018

solonetz Mineral soil at a transitional stage of leaching or a saline soil during solodization, in semi-arid, tropical environments; it has a sandy, acid, A soil horizon and a B horizon partially enriched with sodium-clay. The term was used in earlier systems of soil classification. Solonetz soils fall within the order Aridisols.

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