Neritic Zone

views updated May 21 2018

Neritic zone

The portion of the marine ecosystem that overlies the world's continental shelves. This subdivision of the pelagic zone includes some of the ocean's most productive water. This productivity supports a food chain culminating in an abundance of commercially important fish and shellfish and is largely a consequence of abundant sunlight and nutrients. In the shallow water of the neritic zone, the entire water column may receive sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis . Nutrients are delivered to the area by terrestrial runoff and through resuspension from the bottom by waves and currents. Runoff and dumping of waste also deliver pollutants to the neritic zone, and this area is consequently among the ocean's most polluted.

neritic zone

views updated May 29 2018

neritic zone(neritic province) The shallow-water, or near-shore, marine zone extending from the low-tide level to a depth of 200 m. This zone covers about 8 per cent of the total ocean floor and is the area most populated by benthic organisms (see benthos), owing to the penetration of sunlight to these shallow depths.

neritic zone

views updated May 14 2018

neritic zone (neritic province) The shallow-water, or near-shore, marine zone extending from the low-tide level to a depth of 200m. This zone covers about 8 per cent of the total ocean floor and is the area most populated by benthic organisms (see BENTHOS), owing to the penetration of sunlight to these shallow depths.

neritic zone

views updated May 23 2018

neritic zone The region of the sea over the continental shelf, which is less than 200 metres deep (approximately the maximum depth for organisms carrying out photosynthesis). Compare oceanic zone.

neritic zone

views updated May 08 2018

neritic zone (neritic province) The shallow water, or near-shore, marine zone extending from the low-tide level to a depth of 200 m. This zone covers about 8% of the total ocean floor. It is the area most populated by benthic organisms, due to the penetration of sunlight to these shallow depths.