
views updated Jun 11 2018

me·dul·la / məˈdələ/ • n. Anat. the inner region of an organ or tissue, esp. when it is distinguishable from the outer region or cortex (as in a kidney, an adrenal gland, or hair). ∎ short for medulla oblongata. ∎  Bot. the soft internal tissue or pith of a plant.DERIVATIVES: med·ul·lar·y / məˈdələrē; ˈmejələrē/ adj.

medulla oblongata

views updated Jun 11 2018

medulla oblongata Part of the vertebrate brainstem, derived from the hindbrain, that is continuous with the spinal cord. Its function is to regulate the reflex responses controlling respiration, heart beat, blood pressure, and other involuntary processes. It gives rise to many of the cranial nerves.


views updated May 14 2018

1. The central part of a structure, e.g. the pith of a stem
2. A tangle of loose fungal hyphae
3. A layer of loose hyphae in the thallus of a lichen.


views updated May 17 2018

medulla (mi-dul-ă) n.
1. the inner region of any organ or tissue, particularly the inner part of the kidney, adrenal glands, or lymph nodes. m. oblongata (myelencephalon) the extension within the skull of the upper end of the spinal cord, containing centres responsible for the regulation of the heart and blood vessels, respiration, salivation, and swallowing.

2. the myelin layer of certain nerve fibres.
medullary adj.

medulla oblongata

views updated May 23 2018

me·dul·la ob·long·a·ta / äˌblôngˈgätə/ • n. the continuation of the spinal cord within the skull, forming the lowest part of the brainstem and containing control centers for the heart and lungs.


views updated May 18 2018

1. (in zoology) The central tissue of various organs, including the adrenal glands (adrenal medulla) and kidneys (renal medulla).

2. (in botany) See pith.


views updated Jun 27 2018

1. The central part of an organ or bone (i.e. the marrow).

2. Abbreviation for medulla oblongata. See MYELENCEPHALON.


views updated Jun 27 2018

medulla marrow, pith. XVII. — L. medulla, perh. f. medius MID.
Hence medullary XVII.

medulla oblongata

views updated May 21 2018

medulla oblongata See MYELENCEPHALON.

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