Bering land bridge

views updated May 18 2018

Bering land bridge A link between Siberia and Alaska that has existed intermittently during the Cenozoic, permitting the migration of species between Eurasia and America. It was the only route into North America for the mammals, the direct route from Europe to North America having been interrupted by the developing Atlantic Ocean. See land bridge.

Bering land bridge

views updated May 08 2018

Bering land bridge The intermittent land connection between Siberia and Alaska that operated throughout the Cenozoic. This provided the only route into N. America for the mammals, the direct route from Europe to N. America having been interrupted by the developing Atlantic Ocean. See also LAND BRIDGE.

Bering land bridge

views updated May 14 2018

Bering land bridge A link between Siberia and Alaska that has existed intermittently during the Cenozoic, permitting the migration of species between Eurasia and America. See LAND BRIDGE.