
Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Formulas for the Volumes of Some Common Solids ( (table))

Formulas for the Volumes of Some Common Solids

 Abbreviations: B = area of base; h = height; r = radius; l = length; w = width.
Formulas for the Volumes of Some Common Solids
Solid Volume
cube l3
right rectangular parallelepiped lwh
prism Bh
right circular cylinder πr2h
pyramid 1/3Bh
right circular cone 1/3πr2h
sphere 4/3πr3


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press


volume, measure of solid content or capacity, usually expressed in units that are the cubes of linear units, such as cubic inches and cubic centimeters, or in units of dry and liquid measure, such as bushels, gallons, and liters. Volumes of complicated geometric forms are often calculated using integral calculus. See the table entitled Formulas for the Volumes of Some Common Solids.
