Ulman, Abraham

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ULMAN, ABRAHAM (1791–1849), Hungarian rabbi. Ulman served as rabbi in Szabadka (Subotica) and from 1824 to his death in Lackenbach. Moses *Sofer had a high opinion of him and said that "his teaching is sacred" (Ḥm no. 197).

Ulman published Divrei Rash (1826), the work of his father, Shalom Ulman. His own son, David, published Ulman's writings posthumously under the title Beit Avraham (1909), pilpulistic and halakhic responsa and talmudic novellae. David succeeded his father as rabbi in Lackenbach, serving until his death in 1906.


P.J. Schwartz, Shem ha-Gedolim me-Ereẓ Hagar, 1 (1913), 5a no. 16, 24a no. 15; A. Krauss, Lackenbach (Ger., 1963).

[Naphtali Ben-Menahem]