Reicher, Emanuel

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REICHER, EMANUEL (1849–1924), one of the most famous actors of the naturalist movement in Germany. Born in Bochnia, Galicia, Austria, Reicher played first in Hungary, then in Munich, and came in the 1880s to Berlin, where he was promoted by Otto Brahm; he became a leading actor of the Freie Buehne, the Lessing Theater (1892), and the Deutsches Theater (1895, under O. Brahm). In 1902–04 he joined the Kleines Theater of Max Reinhardt, then returned to Brahm. He was a pioneer of the naturalistic play and an actor famous for roles in plays of H. Ibsen and G. Hauptmann. From 1915 to 1921 he lived in New York as an actor, and later as the manager of the Garden Theater. He also directed plays at Maurice Schwartz's Jewish Art Theater (1918) and later for the Theater Guild. He returned to Germany in 1923 and died in Berlin.

[Archiv Bibliographia Judaica (2nd ed.)]

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Reicher, Emanuel

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