Prisca Versio

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The Prisca Versio is a canonical collection from the fifth century. It is also called the Itala Versio and is dependent upon the Atticus Versio. It is different from the hispana versio with which it should not be confused. The Prisca contains the canons of Nicaea and Sardica, with the same numbering, omits the Council of Laodicea, adds the Council of Chalcedon (whose canon 28 is attributed to the Council of Constantinople), and includes also some African canons. The Prisca was established at Rome. Its date is controversial. According to C. H. Turner, it was after Chalcedon; according to E. Schwarts, it was made under Pope Anastasius II (496498) or Pope Symmachus (498514). It is best preserved in the Collectio Ingilrami (also called the Codex Chieti or Teatini ) of cod. Vat. Reg. 1997, and in the MS of Justel (Bodleian, Mus.100102). According to W. M. Peitz, the Prisca Versio is the work of dionysius exiguus.

Bibliography: g. voellus and h. justel, eds. Bibliotheca iuris canonici veteris, 2 v. (Paris 1661) 1:277320; reprint PL 56:747816. e. schwartz, "Die Kanonessammlungen der alten Reichskirche," Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung 25 (1936) 95108. c. h. turner, "Chapters in the History of Latin MSS of Canons," Journal of Theological Studies 30 (1929) 337347; 31 (1930) 920. f. maassen, Geschichte der Quellen und der Literatur des canonischen Rechts im Abendlande bis dem Ausgang des Mittelalters (Graz 1956) 526536. w. h. peitz, Dionysius Exiguus-Studien, ed. h. foerster (Berlin 1960). c. j. von hefele Histoire des conciles d'après les documents originaux, tr. and continued by h. leclerq (Paris 190738) 3.2:11491250. h. wurm, Studien und Texte zur Dekretalensammlung des Dionysius Exiguus (Bonn 1939).

[c. vogel]