Momigliano, Felice

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MOMIGLIANO, FELICE (1866–1924), Italian philosopher and historian. Born in the ghetto of the small town of Mondovì, in Piedmont, Italy, Momigliano gave up a possible rabbinical career and embraced instead the life of teacher and journalist. A socialist militant and at the same time an admirer of Mazzini, Momigliano saw himself as the son of both the Italian and the Jewish cultures, which he tried to reconciliate: in his thought patriotism, socialism, and prophetic faith were three sides of the same question. Among his works are G. Mazzini e le idealità moderne (1895), Gli Ebrei e la civiltà moderna (1912), Il giudaismo di ieri e di domani (1916), and Ebraismo e Cristianesimo (1922).

add. bibliography:

A. Cavaglion, Felice Momigliano, Una biografia (1988).

[Alessandro Guetta (2nd ed.)]