Lux, Stefan

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LUX, STEFAN (1888–1936), film producer. Born in Vienna, he was twice wounded during World War i as a volunteer in the Austrian army. He worked in his profession in Germany but immigrated to Prague in 1933 after *Hitler's advent to power. Alarmed by the world's indifference to Nazism's and Fascism's increasing influence, Lux decided to sacrifice his life to alert humanity. On July 3, 1936, he shot himself in the press gallery of the League of Nations Assembly Hall in Geneva, after leaving warning letters to Anthony Eden and other leaders.


A. Hahn, Vor den Augen der Welt! Warum starb Stefan Lux? Sein Lebenseine Tatseine Briefe (1936); Levani, in: The Jewish Digest, 12:2 (1966), 16–20.

[Yehuda Reshef]

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