Kostistk, Geremia of Valachia, Bl.

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Also known as Jeremiah or Jeremy of Valachia, and Ieremia Stoica, Capuchin; b. June 29, 1556, Zaro, Romania; d. March 5, 1625, Naples, Italy. Leaving his friary in Romania to travel to Naples, Geremia startled the locals by living in imitation of Christ for forty years. He was known for his spiritual wisdom and fraternal love for the poor and sick to whom he ministered selflessly. He fell ill while tending the sick and died at age sixty-eight. Pope John Paul II beatified him on Oct. 30, 1983, as the first Romanian so recognized officially.

Feast: May 8.

Bibliography: f. s. toppi, Spirito francescano nel beato Geremia Stoica da Valacchia, Studi e Ricerche Francescane (1984) 12742. Acta Apostolicae Sedis 76 (1984): 55053. L'Osservatore Romano, Eng. ed. 46 (1983): 67.

[k. i. rabenstein]