Goldwater, Sigmund Schulz

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GOLDWATER, SIGMUND SCHULZ (1873–1942), U.S. consultant in hospital administration and design. Goldwater was born in New York City. Joining Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, he rose to the position of director, a post he held from 1917 to 1929. At the same time, Goldwater became a registered architect, and gained an international reputation as an expert consultant in hospital design and administration. In 1914 New York Mayor John Mitchell appointed him health commissioner, later citing his accomplishments in reorganizing the department. Goldwater served as commissioner of hospitals under Mayor La Guardia for six years starting in 1934, and worked to rejuvenate the city's aging facilities. An advocate of extending private health insurance to lower income groups, Goldwater became president of the Associated Hospital Service in 1940.

[Richard Skolnik]