Ferrini, Contardo, Bl.

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University professor, jurist; b. Milan, April 4, 1859;d. Suna (Novara), Oct. 17, 1902. After receiving a degree in jurisprudence from the University of Pavia (1880), he spent two years at the University of Berlin pursuing graduate studies in ancient classics and ancient law. He was appointed (1887) professor of Roman law at the University of Messina, transferring to the University of Modena (1890) and to the University of Pavia (1894). Ferrini, reared and educated in a devout Catholic family, led a most exemplary life as a layman. He took a vow of celibacy in 1881 and became a Franciscan tertiary. Soon after his death, his reputation of sanctity led to the introduction of his cause before the Congregation of Rites (July 4,1924). He was beatified April 13, 1947.

As one of the earliest serious Italian students of Byzantine law, he published a critical edition of the Greek Parafrasi: Institutionum graeca paraphrasis Theophilo antecessori vulgo tributa (188497). His profound knowledge of Oriental languages enabled him to complete

the Latin translation of the Libro siro-romano. He collaborated in the edition of books 128 of the Digesta Iustiniani Augusti (1908). His Manuale di Pandette (1900) represents his research on several minor Roman jurists and on aspects of Roman and modern private law. His interest in Roman penal law resulted in the Esposizione storica e dottrinale del diritto penale romano (1899). Ferrini reconstructed the personality and doctrines of several Roman jurists in his Sulle fonti delle istituzioni di Giustiniano. His legal studies, save for his major works, have been collected in five volumes (Milan 192930).

Feast: Oct. 17.

Bibliography: c. pellegrini, La vita del professor Contardo Ferrini (2d ed. Turin 1928). b. jarrett, Contardo Ferrini (London 1933). r. danieli. a. butler, The Lives of the Saints, ed. h. thurston and d. attwater, 4 v. (New York 1956) 4: 210213.

[h. r. marraro]