Ein Ha-Emek

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EIN HA-EMEK (Heb. עֵין הָעֵמֶק; "Spring of the Valley"), rural community in northern Israel, in the Manasseh Hills of Samaria. Ein ha-Emek began as a moshav affiliated with Tenu'at ha-Moshavim. It was founded in 1944 by Jewish farmers from Kurdistan who had been stonemasons in Jerusalem before settling the moshav. Its hill-type farming included in 1969 mainly deciduous fruit orchards and vineyards. Farming was phased out and over the years the settlers took up other occupations. In the 1980s the moshav became an ordinary rural community and began to undergo expansion, its population increasing from 312 in 1969 to 440 in the mid-1990s and 616 in 2002.



[Efraim Orni /

Shaked Gilboa (2nd ed.)]

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