Danin (Suchowolsky), Yeḥezkel

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DANIN (Suchowolsky), YEḤEZKEL

DANIN (Suchowolsky), YEḤEZKEL (1867–1945), Ereẓ Israel pioneer. Danin was born in Bialystok, and settled in Ereẓ Israel in 1886, working first as a laborer in Rishon le-Zion, later in Jaffa where he started industrial plants that were among the first in the country. Danin was a member of *Benei Moshe and served as its representative in Jaffa in 1893. He was a founding member of *B'nai B'rith in Jaffa, and of the public library there (1890). His main interest was in promoting Hebrew education, and he helped found the first kindergarten in Jaffa. In 1903 Danin participated in the first conference of the yishuv in Zikhron Ya'akov (see *Israel, Historical Survey, 1880–1948). In 1906 he joined the Aḥuzat Bayit group which founded Tel Aviv in 1909. Danin was son-in-law of Yehoshua *Yellin. One of his sons, Ezra (1903–1984), was special adviser on Arab and Middle Eastern affairs to the Israel foreign minister for many years.


Tidhar, 1 (1947), 480–1; R. Alper, Korot Mishpaḥah Aḥat (1955); Y. Churgin, Yeḥezkel Danin (Heb., 1943).

[Benjamin Jaffe]

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