Chajes (Known also as Birkenstadt, Bochstein, Bockstadt, and MaBaSh, an Abbreviation for Mi-Birkenshtadt), Gershon ben Abraham

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CHAJES (known also as Birkenstadt, Bochstein, Bockstadt, and MaBaSh, an abbreviation for Mi-Birkenshtadt), GERSHON BEN ABRAHAM

CHAJES (known also as Birkenstadt, Bochstein, Bockstadt , and MaBaSh , an abbreviation for M i-B irkensh tadt), GERSHON BEN ABRAHAM (d. 1789), rabbi in Moravia; grandson of Menahem Mendel *Krochmal. When rabbi of Hotzenplotz (*Osoblaha) in 1751, Chajes pronounced a *ḥerem on Jacob *Emden. He later became rabbi of Mattersdorf, and in 1778 rabbi of Nikolsburg (Mikulov), being elected *Landesrabbiner of Moravia in 1780. Although in constant conflict with the elders of Nikolsburg, Chajes was not permitted to move to another community because Nikolsburg had been designated the seat of the Landesrabbinat by the Judenordnung of 1753.


H. Gold (ed.), Juden und Judengemeinden Maehrens… (1929), index (Bibliography: 51 no. 19).