Bauer, Simon Harvey

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BAUER, SIMON HARVEY (1911– ), U.S. physical chemist. Bauer was born in Kaunas, Lithuania, and immigrated to the U.S. in 1921. Awarded his Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago (1935), he was a postdoctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology (1935–37), and an instructor at Pennsylvania State University (1937–39) before being invited to join the Chemistry Department at Cornell University, where he became professor in 1950. Subsequently he was appointed adjunct professor at the Institute of Molecular Science in Okazaki and served as consultant to Los Alamos National Laboratory, Calspan, Arco-Harvey Tech Center, and Lockheed Cal. His research studies include structure determinations by electron and X-ray diffraction techniques; molecular spectroscopy in the IR measurements of rapid chemical conversions induced in shock tubes or via laser irradiation; measurements of physical, kinetic, and thermochemical properties of boron hydrides; and formulation of kinetics of condensation from supersaturated vapors.

[Bracha Rager (2nd ed.)]