Sanātana dharma

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Sanātana dharma (Skt., sanātana, ‘eternal’, + dharma, ‘law’). In Hinduism, the absolute and eternal law (dharma) as opposed to relative duty (svadharma). Sanātana dharma applies to everyone, including outcastes. According to Yājñavalkvasmṛti, absolute dharma includes purity, good will, mercy, and patience. Later texts such as Vāmana Purāṇa list the ten limbs of the eternal dharma as non-injury, truth, purity, not stealing, charity, forbearance, self-restraint, tranquillity, generosity, and asceticism.

In modern Indian usage, sanātana dharma is often equated with ‘Hinduism’ as a name, stressing the eternal foundation of it.