Ma-tsu Tao-i

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Ma-tsu Tao-i (Jap., Baso Dōitsu; 709–88). Third-generation leader of the Chʾan/Zen school of Hui-neng, who, with Shih-tʾou, established the two main characteristics of Chʾan, issuing eventually in Rinzai and Sōtō. He is the first known to use the abrupt methods of Chʾan/Zen, e.g. the shout (ho) and the stick (kyosaku).

Since there is only one undifferentiated nature of all appearance, it has to be realized as already being the only truth that there is; it cannot be attained as something not yet realized. His style is summarized in the phrase kigen kikō, ‘strange words and extraordinary actions’, which became a model for other Zen masters.

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