Aman (Agaf Modi?in)

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AMAN (Agaf Modiʾin)

The intelligence division of the Israel Defense Force, Aman was created in 1948 under the name of Sherut ha-Modiʾin. It was reorganized in 1953, when it was given its current name. The successive directors of Aman have been Israel Beeri (1948–1949), Chaïm Herzog (1949–1950), Benyamin Gibli (1950–1955), Yehoshafat Harkabi (1955–1959), Chaïm Herzog (1959–1961), Meir Amit (1962–1963), Aharon Yariv (1964–1972), Eliahu Zeira (1972–1974), Shlomo Gazit (1974–1979), Yehoshua Saguy (1979–1983), Ehud Barak (1983–1985), Amnon Lipkin-Shahak (1986–1990), Uri Saguy (1990–1995), Moshe Yaʿalon (1995–1998), Amos Malka (1998–2001), and Aharon Zeʾevi-Farkash (2002–).

SEE ALSO Israel Defense Force.