Flavs (Small Green Drakes, or Flavilineas)

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Flavs (Small Green Drakes, or Flavilineas)

Family: Ephemerellidae

Genus: Drunella

Life Cycle: incomplete

Three Life Stages: egg, nymph, adult cycle which includes 2 phases: dun and spinner

Emergence: June-August

Crawler Mayfly Group


Body Description

Antennae: 2

Wings: pads

Legs: 6, stout front legs have teeth on front edge

Abdomen: no long spines

Eyes: large

Tails: 3

Body Colors: browns with olive tones

Mobility: become more active before emergence

Size: 7-9mm

Hook Size: 12-16

Found among rocks in faster current flows. They emerge from slower water by faster flows and from runs with slow to medium currents.


Body Description

Antennae: 2

Wings: 2 sets, hind wings have pointed edges, dark grey

Legs: 6

Eyes: large

Tails: 3

Body Colors: light olive with yellow tones

Mobility: must wait on the water floating or drifting after emergence for their wings to unfold before flying

Size: 7-9mm

Hook Size: 14-16


Body Description

Antennae: 2

Wings: 2 sets, hind wings have pointed edges

Legs: 6

Eyes: large

Tails: 3

Body Colors: dark olive to olive brown

Size: 7-9mm

Hook Size: 14-16

One day after emergence they are sexually mature. Male & females meet in swarms; after mating males fall spent on the water or ground, females hover close to the water, deposit their eggs then fall spent.