
views updated Jun 08 2018

dis·trib·ute / disˈtribyoōt/ • v. [tr.] 1. give shares of (something); deal out: information leaflets are being distributed to hotels and guest houses. ∎  supply (goods) to stores and other businesses that sell to consumers: the journal is distributed worldwide. ∎  (be distributed) occur throughout an area: the birds are mainly distributed in marshes and river valleys. ∎  Printing separate (metal type that has been set up) and return the characters to their separate compartments in a type case.2. Logic use (a term) to include every individual of the class to which it refers: the middle term must be distributed, at least once, in the premises.DERIVATIVES: dis·trib·ut·a·ble adj.


views updated May 18 2018

distribute XV. f. distribūt-, pp. stem of L. distribuere, f. DIS- 1 + tribuere grant, assign (cf. TRIBUTE).
So distribution XIV. — (O)F. or L.