Sardaneta y Llorente, José Mariano de (1761–1835)

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Sardaneta y Llorente, José Mariano de (1761–1835)

José Mariano de Sardaneta y Llorente (Second Marqués de San Juan de Rayas; b. 1761; d. 1835), a politician. Sardaneta was a rich miner and landowner from Guanajuato, who served as regidor (alderman), magistrate, and administrator in Guanajuato, as well as administrator of mining in Mexico City. In 1808 he favored the establishment of a governing junta in New Spain. After the coup d'état of that year, Sardaneta, who was a friend of the deposed viceroy José de Iturrigaray, tried to vindicate him. A well-known autonomist, he was denounced in 1809 as disaffected with the colonial regime, but nothing was proved against him. In 1811 he was accused of corresponding with the insurgent leader Ignacio Allende, and he was listed as an accomplice of the conspiracy in April of that year. As a member of the secret society of Los Guadalupes, Sardaneta corresponded with José María Morelos and with Carlos María de Bustamante and participated in the arrangements to buy a printing press for Morelos. In 1813 he was elected to the Cortes, although he did not occupy his seat. That same year he voted for Morelos as generalísimo in the insurgent elections. Imprisoned by the authorities in February 1816, Sardaneta was sentenced to be deported to Spain, but after reaching Veracruz, he was able to remain. He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1821 and a member of the Provisional Governing Junta. He was elected to the Constituent Congress in 1822, and became a member of the Junta Nacional Instituyente during 1822 and 1823. Sardaneta died in Guanajuato.

See alsoGuanajuato .


Wilbert H. Timmons, "Los Guadalupes: A Secret Society in the Mexican Revolution for Independence," in Hispanic American Historical Review 30, no. 4 (Nov. 1950): 453-479.

Doris Ladd, The Mexican Nobility at Independence, 1780–1826 (1976).

Ernesto De La Torre Villar, Los Guadalupes y la independencia, con una selección de documentos inéditos (1985).

Virginia Guedea, En busca de un gobierno alterno: Los Guadalupes de México (1992).

Additional Bibliography

Jáuregui de Cervantes, Aurora. Los marqueses de Rayas: Promotores del desarrollo económico y social de Guanajuato. México: Ediciones La Rana, 1998.

                                      Virginia Guedea

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