
views updated May 14 2018

wish·bone / ˈwishˌbōn/ • n. 1. a forked bone (the furcula) between the neck and breast of a bird. According to a popular custom, this bone from a cooked bird is broken by two people, with the holder of the longer portion being entitled to make a wish.2. an object of similar shape, in particular: ∎ Football an offensive formation in which the fullback lines up immediately behind the quarterback with the two halfbacks behind and on either side of the fullback. ∎  a forked element in the suspension of a motor vehicle or aircraft, typically attached to a wheel at one end with the two arms hinged to the chassis. ∎  Sailing a boom in two halves that curve outward around a sail and meet aft of it.


views updated May 09 2018

wishbone Small, forked bone between the neck and breast of poultry, also known as merrythought.