
views updated May 09 2018

re·viv·al / riˈvīvəl/ • n. an improvement in the condition or strength of something: a revival in the fortunes of the party an economic revival. ∎  an instance of something becoming popular, active, or important again: cross-country skiing is enjoying a revival. ∎  a new production of an old play or similar work. ∎  a reawakening of religious fervor, esp. by means of a series of evangelistic meetings: the revivals of the nineteenth century | a wave of religious revival. ∎  such a meeting or series of meetings: an usher for the revival had the job of helping the sick who went up to seek healing. ∎  a restoration to bodily or mental vigor, to life or consciousness, or to sporting success: the thunder and lightning affected his revival in the third round.


views updated May 29 2018

Revival. Resuscitation of any previous style, properly founded on archaeological studies and scholarship, as with the Egyptian, Gothic, or Greek Revivals.