
views updated May 23 2018

pre·cur·sor / ˈprēˌkərsər; priˈkər-/ • n. a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner: a three-stringed precursor of the violin| [as adj.] precursor cells. ∎  Biochem. a substance from which another is formed, esp. by metabolic reaction: pepsinogen is the inactive precursor of pepsin.


views updated May 21 2018

precursor XVI. — L. præcursor, f. præcurrere, f. præ- PRE- + currere run; see COURSE, -OR1.


views updated May 29 2018

precursor (pri-ker-ser) n. a substance from which another, usually more biologically active, substance is formed. For example, trypsinogen is the precursor of the enzyme trypsin.