
views updated May 29 2018

pon·tif·i·cal / pänˈtifikəl/ • adj. 1. (in the Roman Catholic Church) of or relating to the pope: a pontifical commission.2. characterized by a pompous and superior air of infallibility: such explanations were greeted with pontifical disdain.• n. rare (in the Roman Catholic Church) an office book of the Western Church containing rites to be performed by the pope or bishops. ∎  (pontificals) the vestments and insignia of a bishop, cardinal, or abbot: a bishop in full pontificals.DERIVATIVES: pon·tif·i·cal·ly / -ik(ə)lē/ adv.


views updated Jun 27 2018

Pontifical. The liturgical book in the Roman Catholic Church which contains the prayers and ceremonies for rites involving a bishop.

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