
views updated May 23 2018

mon·o·graph / ˈmänəˌgraf/ • n. a detailed written study of a single specialized subject or an aspect of it: a series of monographs on music in late medieval and Renaissance cities.• v. [tr.] write a monograph on; treat in a monograph.DERIVATIVES: mo·nog·ra·pher / məˈnägrəfər/·nog·ra·phist / məˈnägrəfist/ n.


views updated Jun 27 2018

mon·o·gram / ˈmänəˌgram/ • n. a motif of two or more letters, typically a person's initials, usually interwoven or otherwise combined in a decorative design, used as a logo or to identify a personal possession.• v. [tr.] decorate with a monogram: [as adj.] (monogrammed) monogrammed sheets. DERIVATIVES: mon·o·gram·mat·ic / ˌmänəgrəˈmatik/ adj.

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