
views updated Jun 11 2018

fob1 / fäb/ • n. (also fob chain) a chain attached to a watch for carrying in a waistcoat or waistband pocket. ∎  a small ornament attached to a watch chain. ∎  (also fob pocket) a small pocket for carrying a watch. ∎  a tab on a key ring.fob2 • v. (fobbed , fob·bing ) [tr.] (fob someone off) deceitfully attempt to satisfy someone by making excuses or giving them something inferior: secretaries fob off most unwanted callers by saying their boss is in a meeting. ∎  (fob something off on) give (someone) something inferior to or different from what they want: he fobbed off the chairmanship on Clifford.


views updated May 23 2018

FOB • abbr. 1. friend of Bill, a friend of Bill Clinton, esp. one of his close circle of advisers and contacts.2. Forward Operating Base.


views updated May 17 2018

fob1 cheat, trick, put off deceitfully. XV. Parallel to †fop vb. and G. foppen quiz, banter.
Hence sb. trick. XVII. ME. fobbe impostor (once, XIV) is isolated.


views updated May 09 2018

fob2 small pocket. XVII. orig. cant term; prob. of G. orig. (cf. G. dial. fuppe pocket).


views updated Jun 11 2018

FOB (or f.o.b.) Commerce free on board