
views updated May 14 2018

finial. Boss, crop, crope, knob, or pommel at the top of e.g. a bench-end, canopy, gable, pinnacle, or spire, usually decorated.


views updated Jun 11 2018

fin·i·al / ˈfinēəl/ • n. a distinctive ornament at the apex of a roof, pinnacle, canopy, or similar structure in a building. ∎  an ornament at the top, end, or corner of an object: ornate curtain poles with decorative finials.



views updated Jun 27 2018

finial †adj. final; sb. (archit.) terminal ornament of an apex or corner. XIV. — AN. *finial or AL. *finiālis, f. fīn, fīnis end; see -IAL.