
views updated May 29 2018

192. Dissipation (See also Debauchery.)

  1. Breitmann, Hans lax indulger. [Am. Lit.: Hans Breitmanns Ballads ]
  2. Burley, John wasteful neer-do-well. [Br. Lit.: My Novel, Walsh Modern, 79]
  3. Camors leads selfish, shameless life. [Fr. Lit.: M. de Camors, Walsh Modern, 84]
  4. Carton, Sydney wasteful bohemian; does not use his talents. [Br. Lit.: A Tale of Two Cities ]
  5. Castlewood, Francis Esmond gambles away living. [Br. Lit.: Henry Esmond ]
  6. Christian II sybaritic king. [Fr. Lit.: Kings in Exile, Walsh Modern, 96]
  7. Chuzzlewit, Jonas dissipated, wasteful person. [Br. Lit.: Martin Chuzzlewit ]
  8. Clavering, Sir Francis dissipated gambling baronet. [Br. Lit.: Pendennis ]
  9. Dalgarno, Lord Malcolm of wasteful and ruinous; destroys several people. [Br. Lit.: Fortunes of Nigel ]
  10. Fitzgerald, F. Scott (18961940) American novelist whose works reflect a life of dissipation. [Am. Lit.: NCE, 957]
  11. Jeshurun citizens abandon God; give themselves up to luxury. [O.T.: Deuteronomy 32:15]
  12. Mite, Sir Matthew dissolute merchant; displays wealth ostentatiously. [Br. Lit.: The Nabob, Brewer Handbook, 713]
  13. Pheidippides his extravagant bets ruin fathers wealth. [Gk. Lit.: The Clouds ]
  14. prodigal son squanders share of money in reckless living. [N.T.: Luke 15:13]


views updated May 17 2018

dis·si·pa·tion / ˌdisəˈpāshən/ • n. 1. dissipated living: a descent into drunkenness and sexual dissipation.2. squandering of money, energy, or resources: the dissipation of the country's mineral wealth. ∎  Physics loss of energy, esp. by its conversion into heat. ∎  scattering or dispersion: the complete dissipation of paint fumes.

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