
views updated May 23 2018

dig·it / ˈdijit/ • n. 1. any of the numerals from 0 to 9, esp. when forming part of a number.2. a finger (including the thumb) or toe. ∎  Zool. an equivalent structure at the end of the limbs of many higher vertebrates.


views updated May 23 2018

digit A finger or toe. In the basic limb structure of terrestrial vertebrates there are five digits (see pentadactyl limb). This number is retained in humans and other primates, but in some other species the number of digits is reduced. Frogs, for example, have four fingers and five toes, and in ungulate (hooved) mammals, the digits are reduced and their tips are enclosed in horn, forming hooves.


views updated Jun 27 2018

digit any numeral from 0 to 9 XV; 1/12 of the diameter of sun or moon XVI; finger, toe; finger's breadth XVII. — L. digitus finger, toe.


views updated May 17 2018

digit (dij-it) n. a finger or toe.