
views updated May 09 2018

de·lib·er·ate • adj. / diˈlibərit/ done consciously and intentionally: a deliberate error. ∎  fully considered; not impulsive: a deliberate decision. ∎  done or acting in a careful and unhurried way: a deliberate worker.• v. / -ˌrāt/ [intr.] engage in long and careful consideration: she deliberated over the menu. ∎  [tr.] consider (a question) carefully: jurors deliberated the fate of those charged.DERIVATIVES: de·lib·er·ate·ly / -ritlē/·lib·er·ate·ness / -ritnis/·lib·er·a·tor / -ˌrātər/ n.


views updated Jun 08 2018

deliberate adj. XV. — L. dēlīberātus, pp. of dēlīberāre, f. DE- 3 + lībrāre weigh, f. lībra scales.
So deliberate vb. †think over; think carefully XVI. See -ATE 2, -ATE 3. deliberation XIV. — (O)F. — L. deliberative XV. — F. or L.


views updated Jun 11 2018


Willful; purposeful; determined after thoughtful evaluation of all relevant factors; dispassionate. To act with a particular intent, which is derived from a careful consideration of factors that influence the choice to be made.

When used to describe a crime, deliberate denotes that the perpetrator has weighed the motives for the conduct against its consequences and the criminal character of the conduct before deciding to act in such a manner. A deliberate person does not act rashly or suddenly but with a preconceived intention.

Deliberate is synonymous with premeditated.