MacDonald, Adam 1977–

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MacDONALD, Adam 1977–

(Adam McDonald)


Full name, William Adam MacDonald; born May 16, 1977, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; son of Paula MacDonald. Education: Studied at National Film Acting School with Bill Corday; trained with John Boylan, Michael Waller, Brian Doubt, and David Shaap; also studied at Actors Lab. Avocational Interests: Cooking, listening to music.

Addresses: Agent— Characters Talent Agency, 8 Elm St., Toronto, Ontario M5G 1G7, Canada.

Career: Actor. Also known as Adam McDonald.


Television Appearances; Series:

Nick Mcallister, a recurring role, Vampire High, YTV, 2001–2002.

Douglas Mastriani, a recurring role, Missing (also known as 1–800–Missing), Lifetime, 2003–2004.

Television Appearances; Miniseries:

American guard, Nuremberg, TNT, 2000.

Television Appearances; Movies:

Blake, Satan's School for Girls, ABC, 2000.

Nick Dana, The Audrey Hepburn Story, ABC, 2000.

Frankie McCarthy, Snow in August, Showtime, 2001.

Rick "Sav" Savage, Hysteria: The Def Leppard Story, VH1, 2001.

Brian, Love Rules!, ABC Family Channel, 2004.

Television Appearances; Episodic:

Danny Dabowski, "The Yearbook Mystery," The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo, Nickelodeon, 1998.

Brandon Dean, "Son for the Road," Misguided Angels, 1999.

Butch Jenkins, "Butch Comes to Shove," Big Wolf on Campus, Fox Family Channel, 1999.

Eddy West, "The Tale of the Misfortune Cookie," Are You Afraid in the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1999.

Bulldog, "The Tale of Highway 13," Are You Afraid in the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 2000.

Butch Jenkins, "Butch Is Back," Big Wolf on Campus, Fox Family Channel, 2000.

Nick Renfield, "Kilohertz," Mutant X, syndicated, 2001.

Tom Greenway, Leap Years, Showtime, 2001.

Lyle Thomlin, "Walking the Line," The Associates, CTV, 2002.

Roy Bermann, Soul Food, Showtime, 2002.

Television Appearances; Pilots:

Douglas Mastriani, Missing (also known as 1–800–Missing), Lifetime, 2003.

Film Appearances:

Floyd Weaver, Going to Kansas City, Buena Vista, 1998.

Jay Torpy, Running Home, Allegro Films, 1999.

Steve Maya, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Buena Vista, 2004.

Stage Appearances:

Larry Friedman, The Adventures of Captain Neato Man, 1998.

Appeared in other productions, including appearances as Lorenzo and Bob in God, Mind Expansion.

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MacDonald, Adam 1977–

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