Tomé, Narciso

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Tomé, Narciso (c.1694–1742). Spanish architect and sculptor. He worked with his father and brothers on the decorations of the sumptuous front of the University at Valladolid (early C18). His masterpiece, described as a fricassée de marbre, is the Trasparente in the capilla mayor of Toledo Cathedral (1721–32), so called from the glass-fronted receptacle through which the Blessed Sacrament could be seen from the ambulatory and also permit light to be admitted to the camarín behind the altar itself within the capilla mayor. Around the glass receptacle on the ambulatory side Tomé constructed a wildly extravagant Baroque confection illuminated from a kind of dormer set high above the Gothic ambulatory vaults from which the masonry between the ribs was removed.


Chueca Goitia (1962);
Kubler & and Soria (1959);
Mallory (1970);
Norberg-Schulz (1986a);
Pevsner (ed.) (1960);

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