Hurtado Izquierdo, Francisco de

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Hurtado Izquierdo, Francisco de (1669–1725). Spanish Baroque architect responsible for some of the most ornate church-interiors of the period. Most of his works are in Córdoba and Granada, including the Sagrario Chapel of the Cartuja (1702–20), Granada, with a polychrome central tabernacle on Solomonic columns. Also remarkable is the Sagrario of the Cartuja of Nuestra Señora del Paular, near Segovia (from 1718), with a capricious marble and lapis lazuli camarín. Even more imposing is the Sacristy of the Cartuja, Granada (1724–64), the master-work of Spanish Baroque with piers encrusted with 45 different motifs, giving a rich, jewel-like effect: the building was completed under the direction of Luís de Arévalo, and contains exquisite inlaid cómodas (cabinets) by José or F. Manuel Vázquez (1730–64).


Archivo Español de Arte, xxxv (1962), 135–73;
Art Bulletin, xxxii (1950), 25–61;
Gallego y Burín (1956);
Kubler & and Soria (1959);
van Vynckt (ed.) (1993)

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Hurtado Izquierdo, Francisco de

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