Go čár, Josef

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Go čár, Josef (1880–1945). Czech architect. He experimented with Cubism and with attempts to introduce a National style into his work, as at the Czechoslovak Legion Bank, Prague (1921–3), heavily decorated with cubes, cylinders, and squares, giving the building a backward-looking appearance for its date. His High School, Hradec Králové (1924), owed much to stripped Classicism and to Dutch brick architecture, but his Czechoslovak Pavilion at the Exposition International des Arts-Décoratifs, Paris (1924–5), attempted to use the architectural language of Modernism, somewhat uneasily mixed with decorative elements. With the Baba Hill housing development exhibition of the Czechoslovak Werkbund, Prague (1932–3), however, Gočár's work became more International Modern in style (Mauk and Glücklich Houses, 1932), and he went further ° with the Sochor House, Dvur Králové (c.1934). He was also an influential teacher.


Benešová (1971);
Goc;ár (1930);
Les'nikowski (ed.) (1996);
Wirth (1930)