Behnisch, Günter

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Behnisch, Günter (1922– ). German architect, born near Dresden, Saxony. The most celebrated work of his Stuttgart firm Behnisch & Partners is the Olympiapark, Munich (1967–72), designed for the 1972 Olympic Games. The spectacular tent-roof covering the stadium, sports-hall, and swimming-pool was designed with Frei Otto. The firm also built many schools, using prefabricated components, including the Hohenstaufen-Gymnasium, Göppingen (1956–9), the Secondary School, Lorch (1973), and the Study Centre for the Lutheran Church in Stuttgart-Birkach (1977–80). More recently the Technical School, Bruchsal (1983), Catholic University Library, Eichstätt (1987), German Postal Museum, Frankfurt-am-Main (1990), Central Bank of Bavaria, Schwabing, Munich (1992), and office-buildings in Nuremberg and Salzburg have enhanced the firm's reputation, while the Federal Parliament Building in Bonn (1992) has consolidated it. Other works include the Schleswig-Holstein Insurance Agency, Lübeck (1992–7). the Central Administration Offices, Stuttgart (1992–7), the Geschwester-Scholl School, Frankfurt-am-Main (1993–4), the St Benno RC School, Dresden (1992–6), and the Hysolar Institute, Stuttgart (1987).


Behnisch & and Partner (1996);
Blundell Jones (2000);
Kalman (1994);
Gauzin-Müller (1997);
Lampugnani (ed.) (1988);
Meyhöfer (1995);
J,- K. Schmidt, & and Zeller (1992)