hair moss

views updated May 18 2018

hair moss The common name for the moss Polytrichum commune. It is one of the largest British mosses, being 15–20 cm (exceptionally 40 cm) tall. Leaves may be 1 cm or more in length, with fine points, glossy sheathing bases, and toothed margins (visible with a hand lens). The capsule is sharply 4-angled. The common name derives from the golden, hairy calyptra, which is very conspicuous. Hair moss is common on damp heathland, moorland, and on mountains where the soil is acid; it often forms conspicuous mounds.

hair moss

views updated Jun 27 2018

hair moss The common name for the moss Polytrichum commune. It is one of the largest British mosses, being 15–20 cm (exceptionally 40 cm) tall. Leaves may be 1 cm or more in length, with fine points, glossy sheathing bases, and toothed margins (visible with a hand lens). The capsule is sharply 4-angled. The common name derives from the golden, hairy calyptra, which is very conspicuous. Hair moss is common on damp heathland, moor, and on mountains where the soil is acid; it often forms conspicuous mounds.