
Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Deerfield (towns, United States)

Deerfield:1 Village (1990 pop. 17,327), Cook and Lake counties, NE Ill., a residential suburb of Chicago; inc. 1903. The huge Sara Lee Bakery is its major industry, and there is other light manufacturing. 2 Town (1990 pop. 5,018), NW Mass., on the Deerfield River; inc. 1677. In a 1704 Native American attack nearly 50 inhabitants were killed; most of the survivors were taken to Canada, and some were killed on the way. Old Deerfield St. is lined with 18th-century houses. Deerfield Academy, one of the country's foremost private secondary schools, is in the town.


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Deerfield (river, United States)

Deerfield, river, 70 mi (113 km) long, rising in S Vt. and flowing S into NW Mass., then SE to the Connecticut River at Greenfield, Mass. The river has extensive hydroelectric facilities but is also a canoeing and kayaking hub.


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