Williams, Nancy S. 1943–

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Williams, Nancy S. 1943–

PERSONAL: Born April 27, 1943. Education: University of Kansas, B.A.E.; Southern Methodist University, M.A.; Northwestern University, Ph.D.

ADDRESSES: Home—909 Locust Rd., Wilmette, IL 60091. E-mail[email protected].

CAREER: Writer. Art teacher at public schools in Dallas, TX, 1965–66; reading specialist at Episcopal school in El Paso, TX, 1968–70; learning strategist and learning disabilities resource room teacher at public schools in Topeka, KS, 1971–79; St. Joseph Hospital, Chicago, IL, learning specialist and cognitive rehabilitation therapist, 1983–84; DePaul University, Chicago, lecturer, 1984–85, assistant professor, 1985–91, associate professor, 1991–2001, professor of education, 2001, program coordinator for language literacy and specialized instruction, 1996–97, 2002, associate dean of education, 1999–2001. University of Texas at Austin, instructor, 1967–68; St. Xavier College, assistant professor, 1984–85; conference presenter; conductor of workshops.

MEMBER: International Reading Association, International Dyslexia Association, Council for Exceptional Children, Illinois Council for Exceptional Children, Illinois Division for Learning Disabilities, Suburban Council Illinois Reading Association.

AWARDS, HONORS: Named educator of the year, local chapter, Phi Delta Kappa, 1992.


(With M. Brogan) Developing Literacy in At-Risk Readers: Using Literature in Clinic and Classroom, Charles Thomas (Springfield, IL), 1991.

Children's Literature Selections and Strategies for Students with Reading Difficulties: A Resource for Teachers, Christopher-Gordon (Norwood, MA), 2000.

Selecting and Using Good Books for Struggling Readers: A Resource for Parents and Caregivers, Scarecrow Press (Lanham, MD), 2002.

Using Literature to Support Skills and Critical Discussion for Struggling Readers, Grades 3-9, Scarecrow Press (Lanham, MD), 2004.

Contributor to books, including Children at Risk, edited by J. Lakebrink, Charles Thomas (Springfield, IL), 1989. Contributor to periodicals, including Critical Issues in Teacher Education, Academic Therapy, Child Language Teaching and Therapy, and Teaching K-8.

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