Meacock, Heather 1949-

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MEACOCK, Heather 1949-

PERSONAL: Born December 12, 1949, in London, England; married Robin Meacock (an electrical engineer), April 24, 1995. Ethnicity: "White European." Education: West London Institute of Higher Education, University of London, certificate in education (with distinction), 1982, B.A. (with honors), 1990; University of Bristol, Ph.D., 1997. Politics: Socialist. Religion: "Religious pluralist." Hobbies and other interests: Opera, ballet, horseback riding.

ADDRESSES: Home—Flat 9, 39 Bramham Gardens, London SW5 0HG, England.

CAREER: Educator. Teacher in British schools, 1982-86; St. Bernard's Preparatory School, teacher and coordinator of history curriculum, 1986-95, teacher and coordinator of English curriculum, 1997—; Brunel University, Uxbridge, England, senior lecturer in religious studies and religious education, 1995-96; La Sainte Union College of Higher Education, senior lecturer in religious education, 1996-97; Birbeck College, London, part-time lecturer, 2000—.


An Anthropological Approach to Theology: A Study of John Hick's Theology of Religious Pluralism toward Ethical Criteria for a Global Theology of Religions, University Press of America (Lanham, MD), 2000.

Contributor to periodicals, including Religious Studies Journal and Scottish Journal of Religious Studies.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Research on religious pluralism, ethics, and inter-faith dialogue.

SIDELIGHTS: Heather Meacock told CA: "My primary motivation in writing is the search for truth in essential issues which concern all people, whether they are religious believers or secular atheists. Does God exist? Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Is there one true faith, or are there many equally valid paths to God? How can people with opposing religious beliefs engage in fruitful inter-faith dialogue? My work has been particularly influenced by Professor John Hick, the major British theologian and philosopher to represent the pluralist position in theology.

"My writing process involves extensive reading and research, and follows traditional methodology. I read, write, think, redraft, and transcribe by hand before using a word processor.

"I was first inspired to write on my chosen subject by what can only be described as a quest for the truth about life's ultimate meaning."

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